Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Realistic/Unrealistic world? $$$$$$$$$$$$$

What guarantees success in our life? Is it your attitude? your brain? Luck? Or all of them?
I guessed it's all of them. Look at Bill Gates, his success doesn't come easy.........and he got brains.

"I came from a poor family, no chance for education"

"I have to work in the field to support my family since I was young, is a tradition"

"My parents died since I was young and I was lucky to earn just enough for living"

Well, I don't think the world is in the right balance now. In Malaysia, that's where I stay, some occupations such as teachers receive LOW salaries, causing the citizens to dislike the jobs. Now, the student teacher ratio in primary and secondary school is about 40:1. The country is lacking some good teachers. Do you think its fair when you work so hard only to earn a little and never get appreciated? Come on, teacher has one of the most important role to play in the world, to nourish children. Why do they paid so low?

For me, everyone has a role to play in our lives, like the garbage collectors, do they work hard? YES. (I refer to those who are unable to get proper education, not those dropouts) I have always a strange thinking, that one day, no one will collect rubbish for us everyday. Will you like to bring your own rubbish to the dumpsite? I's kinda unfair as these guys work so hard under the scorching heats and earn much more little, while those fucking conman who are just using their wits to earn money. These people don't deserve a smelly shit!!!

People think that garbage collectors( and others and even teachers) is like a low status job but actually they are so important. Who wants to be a garbage collector? Even a poor guy would prefer to be a conman, a thief. I'm hoping that these people will earn more in their salary( of course I'm not saying giving them as much money as Bill gates earn), just to bridge the gap between the higher status job.


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