Monday, May 29, 2006


Is the world population too BIG, that god has no choice but to create an earthquake for these people?
It seems that the land of Indonesia is so prone to disaster. Just 18 months after the TSUNAMI which hurt them the MOST, now they face another devastation- a 6.3 richter scale earthquake. Until now,4600 people were killed while 20000 injured and still counting. Some were weeping and some are relief. I'm staying in Malaysia, just beside Indonesia, but we are VERY LUCKY, because earthquake doesn't strikes here. So I'm very relief and thankful.
By the way, more quakes happened around the world!!! It CAN'T be STOP. Philippines, Tonga, and Papua New Guinea also suffered from quakes........
Let's pray....
Below is one of the landscape in Yogyakarta.


Blogger EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...

I believe in the supernatural. My father was a metaphysician and I saw the proof.

The first time I went to stay with my younger sister and her family and as I was sleeping in their guest room, I noticed the apparition of a floating female figure with a long blue shawl and long gown. She thought I was fast asleep and tried to envelop me. But, I grinned and told her that she had chosen the wrong person to attack and I rebuked her in words that I always use in such encounters. She went into a wall and disappeared. I told my sister and her husband about my esoteric experience and they said other guests who had been in the same room before I came also experienced the same encounter. They suspected that the previous occupants of their house must have used the guest room for fetish rituals or spiritual invocations. But, the spirit never attacked me again.

What do you think?
I cannot tell you cock and bull stories.

God bless.

Monday, May 29, 2006 9:59:00 PM  

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