Tuesday, August 30, 2005

48th Independence---Still nothing to be proud of

<<< flag drawn in 2 minutes

As we approach our 48th national day, it seems that we have all grown up. We have achieved many greats achievement----hosting F1, tallest twin building, politically and physically. Aih.... But these actually don't reflect the truth. Like it or not, Malaysians mentality generally is ......Though we are known as a developed third world country, our mentality is still like those in third world. Many bad services in our country.. taxi drivers are already a good example. Goverment servants also don't provide good services. We just didnt give the needed and much expected services...Many of us thought that we are fast developing country, but the development is too fast.True. But our mentality is not suitable for this type of the fast development. Many people also tried to 'bring' Malaysia up...but actually we still lack the ability. One good example is the government' move to send an astronaut to space by 2007. RM95 million will be spend to choose the special one....China haven't send...Japan haven't send.....Many developed countries also never send a team to the space ,Our technology is still far far bedind....so what make us need to send a man to the space, isn't it better we spend that money on somewhere else??
Lastly, I hope that we will live in peace forever.....Peace on you all


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